How are the blue note RVG CD's?

After seeing a recent thread about the pricey used Blue Note LP's, esp. japanese pressings, what are your opinions of the sound quality of the recently re-mastered by Rudy Van Gelder editions, done I think in 1999-2002 or so, on a 24 bit system. I bought a bunch for around $12.99 each, and on my Rega Jupiter 2000 think they sound pretty darned good. Anyone else?

Showing 1 response by pabelson

You can often find the Fantasy K2s in brick & mortar music stores. They will credit a JVC engineer on the back for the remastering, so they're easy to distinguish from regular issues. If a K2 is available (and should have a complete list), they're the way to go. If not, the RVGs aren't bad. Blue Note also has a "Connoisseur" line, also remastered.