How are speakers improved?

Lets look at a hypothetical example of a speaker designer. Lets call him Nigel. Now Nigel has made a bookshelf speaker. It uses state of the art drivers and a braced MDF box. The crossover is 4th order linkwitz riley @3khz. All very typical so far. The speaker is almost ruler flat within its operating range. Off axis is even and quite flat. Distortion is within typical limits. 

He listens to it and sends it off to some reviewers. The response he gets is lukewarm. Its neither good or bad. 

The questions are:

1.) What does Nigel need to do to IMPROVE the speaker beyond its existing performance?
2.) What parameters need to be improved in order to elevate the performance to an even higher standard? 


Showing 2 responses by b_limo

The problem with well thought out, educated responses like larryi and gs556 is that all they are doing is educating the troll so he can come back next week and start the same thread only now armed with more knowledge (notice I didn’t say experience)...
Problem is Nigel can’t hear for beans and has been duped.  Shoot, Nigels speakers have been out of phase with one another for the past 10 years and he didn’t even know it.

Nigel should tie a bose radio around his neck and jump off a bridge.

Back to the music, ta ta for now!