How Are Rotel Preamps?

Hi everyone,

I currently own a Rotel RC-1082 preamp, partnered with a RB-1080 power amplifier, which I have owned for the past couple years. It was my first journey into hi-fi after owning many receivers from brands like Denon and Sony.

I know Rotel has a good reputation when it comes to their power amps but what's the general consensus on the quality of their preamps? Their preamps aren't something I hear get discussed a lot, and since they are the only hi-fi brand in my area I bought them because I wasn't able to compare against separates from other companies like NAD, Rega, Parasound, etc.

Just curious to see if anyone else has experience with Rotel's preamps and what your thoughts are on them. Thanks!
I too am looking at getting a Rotel 1570 Preamp.  looks like a great piece.  Toroidal Transformer.  Nice Dac.  XLR input and out. 

Looks like a great preamp for the money.  I am thinking about this used over the Parasound P5.

Any other thoughts?
+1 on the Rotel RC-1590 preamp has a good built-in DAC.

You also should sell your RB-1080 power amp and get the current model RB-1582 Mk2 power amp or the RB-1590 power amp. The RB-1582 Mk2 is a replacement of the RB-1080. The RB-1582 Mk2 sounded quite a bit better than the RB-1080, much more refined smoother highs much richer warmer and much lower noise floor than the RB-1080. Tonally the RB-1582 Mk2 is on the warm side whereas the RB-1080 is on the cool side of neutral. The RB-1582 Mk2 exhibits much richer much more density in mid-range mid-bass upper bass and bass regions than the RB-1080. 

The RB-1590 amp is even better than the RB-1582 Mk2 and has lots more power too and sounded more resolving with better separations etc.