How are AVRs for 2-channel music these days?

Thinking about using an AVR in my modestly-priced system for the use of surround in the future. It will be mostly for 2-channel music now. Just wondering how they stack up against a good integrated these days, are they sonically transparent? Let's say an AVR vs integrated in the $1k-1500 range, say something like a Pioneer Elite.

Showing 1 response by wilsynet

An integrated versus an AVR, dollar for dollar, the integrated is better.

A very good modestly priced integrated right now is the Yamaha A-S1000. I expect it's in a different class than a Pioneer Elite AVR for the same price.

I listened to its big brother the A-S2000 paired with Harbeth SHL5 speakers. Wonderful system, amongst the better systems I've heard.