How are AVRs for 2-channel music these days?

Thinking about using an AVR in my modestly-priced system for the use of surround in the future. It will be mostly for 2-channel music now. Just wondering how they stack up against a good integrated these days, are they sonically transparent? Let's say an AVR vs integrated in the $1k-1500 range, say something like a Pioneer Elite.

Showing 1 response by ff116

AVRs have come a long way; however today's use of the AVR focuses primarily on decoding the digital signals for the newer TV's with 3D Bluray, Digital radio, IPod decoding, etc., so they add electronic glare to the sound. So it's my feeling that an older and simpler AVR: Marantz, Denon, Pioneer Elite, to name a few are very good for two-channel listening. I also feel if your budget will allow; purchasing a SimAudio, Mcintosh, Ayre (to name a few) integrated would be a great addition to your set-up. When you get antsy and make premature audio gear purchases, most often you regret it. Saving up your coin for a good integrated is a wise move. Of course, that is simply one solution; there are others.