Last week we traded in a Pioneer LX83. What a poor amp. The class d amp gives a full flat 2-dimensional image. 2nd it gave a harsh sound with a lot of ssss. And 3th what a clinical sound. Most people are not aware which brands can give a 3-dimensional image. And what are the differences in sound, image, resolution and control. Even the Onkyo TX-NR818 was superior in all parts were you Judge an amp for.
How are AVRs for 2-channel music these days?
Thinking about using an AVR in my modestly-priced system for the use of surround in the future. It will be mostly for 2-channel music now. Just wondering how they stack up against a good integrated these days, are they sonically transparent? Let's say an AVR vs integrated in the $1k-1500 range, say something like a Pioneer Elite.