How, all this obsession started

I remember in 70's, back in Yugoslavia, collecting the "catalogs" Technics, Tannoy McIntosh...i "knew" about belt drive t-table, being sonicaly "superior" to direct drive, i "knew" that "Revox" was the best reel-to-reel, Nacamichi best casset deck, and Thorens "best" turntable. Even i never had to chance to acctualy see it, never mind listened. never. Remembre the old "Grunding" "quadrofonic" reciever, that our family friend had it (after years of working in Germany)and listening for the first time "The Dark side of the moon". Than me "bulding" big boxes and mounting "low" quality car speakers inside them, than all hookin-it up with the lamp cord and "phono" jack, into the headphones output (mono of course)of the Radio-cassete deck. i had chance to "finally' hear what is "all" about. The "New Year" 79-80, my brothers friend invited us to the party...and he had "classic" Marantz reciever (brand new)Technic's T-table and Wharfadale -70 speakers! WoW! I was blown away! Only when i moved to US, six years later i was able to seriously consider buying my first Hi-Fi system! And i did, in 1987 went to the best stereo shop in Las Vegas (the upper-ear) and bought me a NAD separates, and Klipch heresy II speakers! Well, my first "ex" took care of that after the divorce. However i still have a Nad cassete deck i was able to "save".

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I've been interested in music and audio since 1980. My first full length album purchase was on vinyl, "Pyromania", back in 1984. I got sucked into "highend" with a free issue offer from Stereophile back in 1994. My ears are unbelievably happier, and of course my wallet is NOT!!