How about the older CAL CD players?

I am interested in getting a secondary CD player for use if I send my EMC-1 off for a DAC upgrade. I used to own the CAL Tempest II years ago, and remember the whole CAL line from that time, which included the Aria and the Tercet players, as incredibly musical and well-made. I see there are several of the older CAL players for sale here on Audiogon, including many Icon Mk II's w/HDCD. Also the Delta transport and both the Alpha and Sigma DACs. I would like to pick one of these older units but am getting confused as to which one. The Icon's are most numerous and sell the fastest. Are they that much better than the old Tercet and Aria? The Aria has a tube in it, as I recall, and I love tubes. Both my amps and one preamp are tubed, plus I love my old Mac Mr-67 tube tuner. I remember looking at the Aria about 15 yrs ago but couldn't afford it at the time. Can't recall how I managed to afford the Tempest II, which cost several hundred more than the Aria. Anyway, I've also been reading the thread from Lakefrontroad about upgrading from the CAL Delta transport. Should I consider the Delta w/either an Alpha or a Sigma as my secondary player, instead of the Aria, Tercet, or Icon? Anyone w/recent experience w/the CAL players, esp the models I've mentioned, please give me some opinions, advice, about which CAL to go with.
Thanks so much!

Showing 1 response by madisonears

I doubt that there is anyone with respectable taste who will deny that the Icon was an excellent player new, and now, used, is still a very good value. I use mine as a transport to an Assemblage 3.1 DAC, and it fills that role very well. The digital side has advanced, and I spent a bunch more money, to the point where the DAC improves on the original Icon analog output, but not by a whole lot. It would make a superb player in a second system. I plan on keeping mine for that very purpose, even when I do get a better transport, such as a Sony 9000ES SACD/DVD/CD.