Every night is a jazz fest in New Orleans!
How About that Jazz Fest down in New Orleans....
Ok, gotta ask -- now that I've been down for this thing three years in a row and consider myself officially addicted, how many of the rest of you are hooked by this pilgrimage? Between the food, the Fest, the shows at the fairgrounds, the GOSPEL TENT, and all of the amazing music and tomfoolery that happens in and about town 'till dawn - this strikes me as god's answer to Disney Land for the rougishly musically inclined. All the glorious, expensive hardware aside, for my money, for music it's spots like the Fest were the proverbial rubber hits the road -- in a wonderously sticky, week-long musical orgy -- and Music happens. (Sure, wouldn't sit down and listen at home to half of the folks I danced to 'till dawn - though half I do - but that's not the point, or, more to the point, maybe it is...were're talking music as celebration, here, not the sterilized, engineered, packaged kind handed out on little plastic waffers. And, yes, though I'm only getting warmed up, I've already gone too far...).
Are you with me?
Are you with me?