How would an ad be judged, as a possible auction fraud? Because the price seems too low? Because someone doesn't think, the seller could possibly, deliver what he is promising? I purchased a Koetsu Rosewood Signature, for $300. Surely, that listing, must have been fraudulent, based on the price. It was not. Good judgement, and use of feedback, is an effective way, to somewhat safeguard, oneself. Mailorder purchasing, will always have some risk.
How about a "possible auction fraud alert" section
Given the periodic spate of posts about potential fraudulent auctions, particularly on e-bay, how about a separate thread category for "possible frauds". While hopefully most Audiogoners are sensitive to the issue, a place where concerns could be more consistantly and visibly posted might be helpful rather than have the threads buried in other categories and fade from view as time passes.
Maybe there are legal issues but....
Maybe there are legal issues but....