How a pair of Mark Levinson ML2 stands with the best amps today ?

I saw a pair of these.  They appearead overkill amps with superb construction. Just about sound quality (not reliability) how they stand with today best amps ?

More designers should look at these, legendary amps, and mimic them.
They could drive anything, to given level, with out becoming a tone control.

Cheers George
Here is a 3 angle pic of a pair of these magnificent Mark Levinson ML2’s 25w into 8ohm monoblock beasts.
Yes you read right only 25w, but it’s pure Class-A, and the amp supposedly can double all the way to 1ohm or very close to it, 50w into 4ohm 100w into 2ohm and 200w into 1ohm.

Cheers George
Hi GeorgeDo you think they could drive speakers with 87 db/1m/1W sensitivity ?.  They are 6 ohm load speakers.  Thanks

It depends how loud you listen and what type of music you listen too, these ML2’s are absolute magic with Quad 57’s and they are 86db. But I wouldn’t have a party and play AC/DC through them. Yet with Wilson Audio Alexia at min 0.9ohm and a mean of 3-4ohms at 90db you almost could "maybe". But either speaker would sound their very best before the ML2's ran out of wattage.

Cheers George
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