Hovland Preamp or Others?

I heard the Hovland preamp when it first came out and really loved the sound. There seems to be some used ones from time to time for under $4K. I currently use a Pass Labs X-1 into the Pass Labs X-250 but I really miss the tube sound. I want to get tubes back into my system. I would like a preamp with a remote but the Hovland, First Sound don't so maybe not so big of an issue if that is the price for better sound.

What preamp would you suggest to mate with the Pass X-250 power amp say in the price range new or used $3K-$5K.

Thanks and Happy Listening.

Showing 1 response by noble110

The Hovland is a very good preamp. I prefer the Hovland to the Mac but a personal choice.
My #1 choice is the First Sound Deluxe, however this is more difficult to fine used. I currently have the First Sound matched to the Ayre solid state, a very nice combination.