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Anyone here love Frank? He's a musical genius!


Showing 2 responses by pfeiffer

 Zappa's  "Blessed Relief", "Twenty Small Cigars", "Grand Wazoo" and "Waka Jawaka", along with countless others, is some of the most wonderful music I've ever heard. I saw him in concert three times and was amazed that he encouraged people to vote and had a voting registration area set up as you arrived at the venue.  His testimony in front of congress concerning censorship of music is noteworthy (John Denver was with him) and a testament to what kind of a man he was.  His last work at the end of his life, "The Yellow Shark" is, IMO, a final tribute to his true genius. Those who might dismiss him for his sarcasm and sexual innuendo are missing the true measure of his musical prowess. I have to say that it was Frank Zappa's music that first led me to John Coltrane...and from there into the rich and limitless world of jazz and elsewhere. 

Hey bdp24...your statement associating Frank Zappa with Donald Trump could be the most shallow,  bizarre and idiotic thing Ive read on any forum in a long time! There's a lot of shite spewed here on the Audiogon sir, must have a pretty big pitchfork!