Hospital Grade Wall Outlets

Heard that this was a good tweak to use. Bought some but i am not sure how to wire them. Do you wire them the same as existing outlets or do you need a seperate ground wire to isolate the outlet. PLEASE HELP
Thanks. Once we start arguing the color of plastic housings and sound quality, I will have to draw the line *grin*.
Right, we are not on a discussion topic about vinyl. The color of the vinyl used to manufacture LP's actually DOES affect the sound. Luckily, as you point out, the AC outlet color does not effect performance. If you mount an ivory outlet, centered in a black, brown or grey cover plate, it could effect what you "hear" about your stereo, if not the sound. (Hey, we are supposed to have SOME fun).
Hey Alfred, are these the 8300 units you are referring to?
Lmb, that is (perhaps) the correct Hubbell, the heavy duty 20 amp version. The only remaining difference is the green dot on the face of the outlet, right beside the ground hole, an indication of dedicated ground, and not the case strap variety. I can only guess that the $4.55 difference between needledoctor and Mike Percy is that ground difference, or perhaps the cost for either version is the same, and needledoctor is cheaper? I have the version from Mike Percy, and it indeed sounded better than the ones I got from the electrical supply and better than other brands as well. Certainly the $18.95 Hubbells from needledoctor are the 20 amp version, so that part is absolutely correct. You would probably be in great shape with either version. However, there is only about $50.00 difference in the price of a dozen of these. You must decide if it is worth the risk. I honestly do not know.