Horrific crackeling at power down...!?!

Ugh. A new problem. When I power down my amplifier (Bryston 4b-st) I get a truly horrifying crackeling / static sound through one or both speakers for a couple of seconds. I mean, this is a really scary sound, under the circumstances. I unplugged everything, recheched my ground, and it behaved. Once. Now it's back. Having exhausted my pathetically meager bag of tricks for dealing with electrical woes, what do I do? I'm half afraid to turn it back on again and, on the occasions when I do, I am even more afraid to turn it off (which I do rarely, in any event). Has happened three times, currently off. Help? Many, many thanks.

Showing 1 response by sndsel

A temporary work around, of course, is to disconnect your speakers before you power down if you are concerned about damaging them. I am not familiar with how your amp normally deals with changing bias as the voltage bleeds down. Perhaps someone else is, or contact the manufacturer.