Horrible Squee-gy Noise from Stylus


All of the sudden I'm hearing a squeegy like noise during play back. As if I were dragging my hands across wet glass. I dont recall this happening with any other table or cartridge I owned. I've checked with well over 20 albums to make sure it wasnt any specific label/pressing company/etc.

I'm using the MMF7 with the factory installed Goldring cartridge. Its just started in the past few plays (and the albums I used to confirm). The cartridge probably as 15 hours on it--max.

Can anyone help here? I'm freaking out.

Showing 4 responses by swampwalker

Not really, but I'm grasping a bit at straws and its an easy fix. Costs about $3.99 for a lifetime supply of ME at the grocery store, and you will want it anyways. Another thought- can you see/verify that the diamond is still on the end of the cantilever? Do you have access to another phono stage to make sure the problem is w the TT/cart/stylus part of the chain?
Hmmm. If it makes music OK and you only hear the noise btwn tracks and on lead in that's a very different circumstance then I understood. The stylus is almost certainly on the cantilever, so it sounds to me like some sort of feedback or oscillation. Do you have any other sources? Is it present w other sources? What is the rest of your system?

Just remember that the dealer gets a mark up part of which is to cover these kinds of issues. If they won't help you get an RMA from MH, then I would tell them you are returning it for a full refund since it is defective, and let them try to get credit from MH. If you paid w CC then you should consider filing a dispute with your cc provider. That will hold up the dealer's payment and THEN you will get action. If you have to go that far, I would encourage you to name names. Not yet, but since MH does not deal factory direct, their dealer should step up to the plate. If they don't, both MH and your audiogon buddies should know about it. Given the state of flux of high end distribution/sales (see recent thread by member Lrsky, its importnat for the importer and the public to find out which dealers provide value-added and which do not. Good luck and keep us posted. BTW, since you told us your other TT works, then it has to be somewhere in the MH product. Based on your most recent description, it seems most likely that the problem is w the stylus but of course no way to be sure.