Horrible Squee-gy Noise from Stylus


All of the sudden I'm hearing a squeegy like noise during play back. As if I were dragging my hands across wet glass. I dont recall this happening with any other table or cartridge I owned. I've checked with well over 20 albums to make sure it wasnt any specific label/pressing company/etc.

I'm using the MMF7 with the factory installed Goldring cartridge. Its just started in the past few plays (and the albums I used to confirm). The cartridge probably as 15 hours on it--max.

Can anyone help here? I'm freaking out.

Showing 1 response by chazzbo

I'd also check your arm settings.Get manual out and make sure everything is tightened up.How did you set up alignment and VTA etc?Also just get a cheap magnifying glass and visually inspect stylus and tip/needle.