Hornshoppe "the Truth" preamp - any opinions?

"The Truth" changes the paradigm in Reference Line Stages, literally. Its existence has even forced me to remove a "Direct Connection" in "Class A", because such a choice no longer makes any rational sense to me. In the end, "The Truth" is effectively a "direct connection" with no sonic downsides, and with the ability to drive any amplifier load and/or length of cable, while allowing any source to be heard at its very best. With the exception of extra gain, an audiophile can't ask for more than that. I realize that this may all sound "too good to be true", but it isn't. 

-- Arthur Salvatore  http://www.high-endaudio.com/RC-Linestages.html

This is high praise indeed, he likes it better than Coincident's Line Stage which is saying something, was wondering if someone else has heard it and compared it to other active line stages (am a big believer in active, though currently using AMR DP-777 DAC as my pre)

Showing 7 responses by mac48025

I'm late to the party here but have to share my impressions of the Truth. It's simply non existent......and never have I been happier to pay for "nothing". That's the Truths strength IMO, it's simply gets out of the way of the music. From the blackest of backgrounds the most minute details and softest of notes emerge. Music flows effortlessly with speed, dynamics and tone that belie this little boxes price tag. My only fault with it is that I can't seem to stop listening to music. 

Thanks to thalusa and charles for being so instrumental in making the choice of adding Truth to my system. 
Thanks guys, I don't know what's inside the Truth that makes it so special but Ed definitely did something right!

I think all of the reasons you mentioned LP lend to the Truth not being more commonly used. I truly believe that if Ed put it in a nice looking chassis and tripled the price it would sell better. Thankfully he doesn't!

As a clarification the Truth is not a passive preamp. It's a no gain active preamp. I don't know what the distinction is but Ed is adamant about it NOT being passive. 

Like everything in audio it's all about synergy and compatibility. I loved my Aric tube linestage, so I completely understand where kalali is coming from but the Truth brought the music to life. Maybe I needed a less colored preamp for my 300B SET to sound it's best to me. And maybe the Truth wouldn't sound as well with a more analytical amp. That's what's great, and so confounding, about this hobby......there are countless good choices to suit our listening needs. 
Congrats cal, give the Truth a few days to fully open up. It's very good right out of the box but definitely gets better. Looking forward to your impressions.
LP is right, 4 days was exactly when the Truth came into its own for me also. Probably about 40 hours total at that point for me. It was still quite good before that but became sublime in my system after the break in. 

Have fun with it!
Hello everyone, I’ve been away from the Agon scene for a while and it’s nice to come back and find such a cordial and informative thread. 
You can add me to the list of The Truth users......and lovers. It’s hard to believe that such an ugly duckling of a product can help produce such beautiful music. I’m tempted to have a nice wood enclosure built to put over it, with an opening for the remote sensor.......but then I come to my senses and realize it’s fine just the way it is. 
Bill, thanks for sharing your modification information and observations of their improvements. Not sure I trust my diy skills enough to try doing so myself but it sure is enticing. Did you try messing around with the LED light inside the unit to widen the VC range? Worked wonders for me. 

Seems like many here have gone the high efficiency speaker/lower powered amp route and when doing so stellar preamps like The Truth and CSL go a long way in preserving the purity, tone and dynamics with their black background and transparency. In other words, getting out of the way and allowing the music to flow forth. 
IMO one can’t go wrong with either The Truth or CSL. I do like the convenience of a remote VC, not sure if the CSL has that option but it sure is the better looking piece of gear. 
Happy New Years......Tom
I remember well thaluza and thanks to yours, and others, recommendations I’m thoroughly enjoying The Truth. Thanks.

Thanks to grannyrings suggestions I just ordered a new Truth with upgraded Furutech RCA jacks and internal silver wiring from Ed. Ed is a joy to work with as he is more than willing to build to suit ones needs. It will be interesting comparing the stock Truth to the upgraded one. 
What I find most impressive about The Truth isn’t how quiet is ( and it’s dead silent) but how transparent it is. With The Truth in my system I was able to fully hear my source and amp for the first time. 

FWIW The Truth isn’t a passive pre amp but a zero gain active pre amp. I’m not sure what the distinction is but Ed explained it once and it made sense.....if only I could remember the explanation!