Horning Perikles w Frankenstein amp

anyone other there heard the Horning Perikles or any other Horning speaker w Coincident's Frankenstein 300b amp? No problem w power rating- the speakers are 96 dB but not sure if the amp will be able to control the two, 8" woofers.

Showing 2 responses by markus1299

My Frankenstein amps have absolutely no problem driving my Coincident Pure Reference speakers with 2- 12 inch woofers per speaker. Every now and then, I will switch out the Franks and plug in my VAC 30/30 but the Franks still rule in my system and to my ears.

The Frankensteins definately excell at conveying the emotional side of the music which was even further enhanced when I switched to the Takatsuki 300B tubes. In my system and to my ears, these amps deliver detail and realism that I have not experienced with any other amp be it solid state or tube based.