Horn Speaker Recommendations

I am looking for your feedback on what Horn speakers I should consider in the $15k-$40k price range.  Please describe the rationale for your recommendations.  

Showing 3 responses by georgesallit325

Being a UK-based Wigwam scribe, have you by any chance listened to
Simon Mears Audio Uccello's?
Yes, they were at one of our annual enthusiasts' shows. I thought they were very good. Not as lively as the La Scalas and may be more suited to classical/jazz but still very much in the room.

Mr D...whoops overdone the enthusiasm. But I did like the speakers a lot and as they are hand made in the US thought the UK's cross Atlantic cousins may be interested.Speakers not for the chin-stroking studiers but they do make you want to get up and dance. And in my case, not a pretty sight but I did not care.