Horn People--Suggestions,Please

I almost bought a pair of AG duos. When I fund out the circumference of the mid horn I was in a state of dismay. 26 inches is just too large for my room.---I have never seen these in person.---Only pictures--- To me, the pictures on the web site don't make them look THAT large.---Not to mention I didn't find any dimensions;there.-----Anybody heard the solo's----AND how they compare to uno/ duo?? Is there another brand comparable in sound Q?--BTW,what is the circumferece of the solo?? 'Appreciate your input/suggestions;thanks

Oh' almost forgot: 'goes in an apt. 12/7 wide--L-shapped room. I have a motorised screen over 100inches in the middle 'tween the speakers---AND---the exit is in the left corner,behind the speaker. Running an 845

Showing 1 response by boa2

Check out the Cain & Cain line. They are narrower, I believe, and they get great write-ups.