Horiz/Vert Biamping

I see many references to horizontal vs vertical biamping and the definitions seem to be contrary to how I would define these: I would define them as such:

Vertical: Defined as one amp for the Top freqs and another amp for the Bottom freqs.
Horizontal: Defined as one amp for the Left channel and another for the Right channel.

But these above definitions do not seem to be what anyone else here uses so I am curious as to why they are defined exactly the opposite.

And I can see there would be one major advantage for each situation. When the amps are matched, better channel separation would be expected if an amp is used for each channel. But to have an amp for the top and one for the bottom might bring on more openness in the mids and highs as the amp driving that range is not stressed by the low freq demands on the same power supplies in a stereo amp. I guess true dual-mono stereo amps would alleviate this or is this still not entirely the case? Or is it really a better way to go with a different amp optimal for each of the 2 freq ranges? And if so, what about synergy around the crossover point between the two amps' sonic differences?

Any thoughts or experiences here would be greatly appreciated. This mainly pertains to Magnepan Series 3s but other speaker usage would be interesting.


Showing 7 responses by abex

Funny,I always thought that Vertical amping implied using individual amps for each driver in each channel.

Vertical amping as you describe is using Mono's for Bi-amping capabilities it is not vertical amping in the true sense of the word.

Horizontal to me is using an amp for the High\Mid Drivers for both channels and one for the Bass drivers for each channel,but you could also have seperate amps for each of the Mids and Tweeters paired channels which would still be Horizontal amping.

I am at present looking to Vertical amp 3-way speakers using 3 sets of Mono blocks thus having a seperate amp for each driver. That is 6 amps or as stated 3 sets of monoblocks.

Atleast that is what I think.
Look to Marchland and Bryston!

They both make outboard XO's.

There is alot of dispute about this,but it is very beneficial once you understand it and what is going on.

Recently there was an article in a mag about it and it's what professionals are going to.

Like I said once you understan it,it is easier to see the Bene's of it.

Monoblocks for each channel and bridging are different .This setup is better and is different than that.Less distortion,crosstalk,more efficient for the amps to drive the speakers.

I will try to explian it again later if you wish.The XO is then connected to the amp .Has nothing to do with how many inputs there are on the preamp.

It will defeat alot of the problems of room synergy because it allow for the XO to be tailored to whatever is best to accomidate the drivers to the room.Thus it is sort of like tone controls ,but better.

Did I explain that so you can understand it?
I have tried to explain this a few ways,but I'll try one more time.

3 Types of Amplification!
Horizontal Amping--Does not require Monoblocks
Vertical Amping--Need Monoblocks

Horizontal means you can use 1 amp to drive the woofers in both channels and another amp to drive the Tweeters in both channles and another amp to drive the Mid Drivers in both channels.So you have 3 amps driving particular drivers in both channels.

Most speakers that allow to use seperate amps that are 3-way speakers only have a 2 sets of binding post which means they combine driving the Mids\Tweeters as one.Which in turn means you would have :
One amp for the L\R Channel Mid\Tweeters
One amp for the L\R Channel Woofers
That is Horizontal Amping because you are using the amps to drive the same drivers in L\R Cahnnels and even if you are able to use another amp to drive that set of Tweeters in both channels by adding another amp you are still Horizontally driving the speakers

Then you can get a 3-way Outboard crossover unit which allows for using a seperate amp to drive each driver.This is Vertical amping.
So lets start with the Left Channel in a 3-way speaker using Monoblocks:You would need 3 sets of Monoblocks
1 amp for the left channel Tweeter
1 amp for the left channel Mid Driver
1 amp for the Left Channel Woofer Driver
For the Right Channel
1 amp for the right channel Tweeter
1 amp for the right channel Mid Driver
1 amp for the right Channel Woofer Driver

Bi-amping is just adding power and nothing more.It is not really advantageous from any other point of veiw.Horizontal and Vertical amping helps with efficientcy .Verical being the most advantageous because it is using a Dedicated amp for each driver.It also allows for less crosstalk and less distortion from occuring.

Here are examples of Crossovers

Another way of explaining it.Maybe this will be better.


Horizontal--2way speakers
Is sharing the amps between both channels
You have 2 amps to share to drive the Tweeters and Woofers
1 amp to the Mid\Tweeters for both Channels
1 amp to drive the Woofers for Both Channels

Horizontal for 3ways
You could have the tweeters,Mids and woofers being driven by 1 amp in both channels for sets of drivers it would still mean you are Horizontaly driving the speakers,but most speakers only come with 2 sets of binding post and do not allow to adjust levels so you are either have Horizontaly or Bi-amping capability.

Vertical Amping
Is usually done with an outboard XO which has many advantages ehich I will get to.Heres how it is setup.
For 3-ways speaker systems you'd need 3 sets of Monoblocks.
1 amp for each driver therefore you have 1 amp for each individual driver.They are looped between the driver to the outboard XO the XO is hooked into the L\R Inputs of the preamp.
1-amp L. Ch. Tweeter Driver
1-amp R. Ch. Tweeter Driver
1-amp L. Ch. Midrange Driver
1-amp R. Ch. Midrange Driver
1-amp L. Ch. Woofer Driver
1-amp R. Ch. Woofer Driver

Hench you have dedicated amps for each driver.The Benefits of this are as follows:
Less Crosstalk
Less Distortion
More Efficientcy for amps to drive the speakers
Ability to adjust output levels of the Drivers which allows for better speaker to room interaction.

Bi-Amping has no value other than more power.

I hope that explains it! 8)

Here are examples of Crossovers
Just to follow that up .It usually takes an ACTIVE OUTBOARD XO to get Vertical amping.Some speaker manfs. do have internal ACTIVE XO's I think.

Active Crossovers are prefered because you can adjust levels and you would have to have the capability to adjust levels using different amps.
It was the designer of my speakers that first brought the equation and recommendation up to me for Vertical amping and then I saw an article in one of the major Mags where the reviewer stated that he would not even consider thinking of a new speaker today unless it gave him the ability to do Vertical amping.

The more I ponderd the idea the more it made sense,but to explain it is a total nightmare.I have been to 3 BB's where people have gotten the explaination screwed up which in turn played with my head trying to explain it and I have been into audio for quite some time now.

The disadvantages are using more Power and more wires,but the benefits outweigh the drawbacks if you want the best you can get.Then again it must all gel right.

My speaker designer is making an outboard XO(3-ways) with my speakers which should be ready by the end of the month.

One thing that is really driving me nuts is trying to find the right amps to use.I have a modified B&K ST-202 and have been waiting to see if the new LeAmpII's are better than the originals which of what I understand have gotten less than stellar exceptance in the audio community.But the new ones are suppose to be a breed apart from them.Mike Barnes of nOrh says they are comparable to SOTA stuff and they only cost $400 per Monoblock set.If it's true I want 3 sets.Then again like the old saying goes if it's to good to be true it usually is.

Yes,I realise this to that is why I have a Modified B&K ST-202.I am waiting for the opinions of the LeAmpII's from some people at the Midwest audio show going on this week.

If worst comes to worst I will try to find some Mark Lev amps in the future to Horizontally amp the speakers.
