Hooking up two Topaz Isolation trans. in series?

If I hook two topaz 1kva iso ultra transformers in series will I double the current capacity? I already have one 1kva topaz and am looking at another. Two of these at 16 amps would be enough for everything in my audio rack.
If I am correct then would I need to rewire the plugs in one transformer or just plug one into the other? Would it be series or parallel stock? Any help? I have a ground hum issue in my house. Its killing my music listening experience.
I have taken my tube amp and pre amp to a shop and conferred that there is no hum at that location.
Any help is appreciated. Rod

Showing 1 response by jea48

If I hook two topaz 1kva iso ultra transformers in series will I double the current capacity? I already have one 1kva topaz and am looking at another. Two of these at 16 amps would be enough for everything in my audio rack.

To increase the amperage you would parallel the secondary windings of the two transformers together. Care must be taken to insure the two secondaries are in phase with one another. The proper polarity must be observed otherwise the two transformers will buck one another....

Also both transformers must be of the same VA and voltage rating. Best if both transformers are of the same manufacture and model number for secondary windings resistance matching.