Hooking up sub

Hi, I'd like to hook up a powered sub (Energy ES8) to an older Technics HT receiver. There is no sub output on reciever. I was told not to use the "B" speaker hookup as this could screw up impedence. I was thinking, could I hook up to tape RCA outputs Get an adaptor that merges the L+R into one RCA cable since normal sub output is mono anyway? If not what would be the best way to do this? The sub is powered and has a volume control and a crossover selector knob. By the way will be using 6 speakers, the front and rear L+R, center and the sub, all Energy speakers.


Showing 1 response by sanjose_audio_guy

There is another way to hookup sub from front/left channels if your sub backside has speakers hookup and you might have to buy extra speakers cale. Connect speaker cable (SC) from LF front speaker from receiver to input subwoofer speaker connectors. And output of subwoofer Speaker connectors to your front LR speakers.