hooking up a subwoofer to a Mcintosh MA12000

I have a new Mcintosh MA12000 and absolutely love it. I am
experimenting with different speaker setups and I need instructions on
how to hook up a subwoofer to the MA12000. I could not find any
instructions to do this in the owner's manual.

Anybody know how to do this? Any help would be appreciated. 


sub is a Velodyne, digital drive series from a few years ago.

In that case come out of the RCAs. You'll need a Y cable to come out of the amp with one cable to the sub and one returning back into the amp for each channel. 

ok. if I use "output 2" I can use the XLR into the XLR is the back of the Sub? Is that the simplest?

looks like there is only 1 xlr input in the back of the sub. its marked as "LFE" input