Hook up questison

I came into possession of a Nakamichi TA-1A Receiver Amp, NAD 3140 Amp and I have a pair of Pioneer CS911a speakers. Can I (should I), hook up everything together ?
Does this mean I use the tuner portion of the NAK only then plug everything else into the NAD
As Modi said, yes, BUT only if you
A. Need a tuner and
B. If the pre/amp section of the NAD sounds better than the NAK. I'd try them both w the same source and see which one you like better. If it's the NAD then you can do as MOFI said to get FM. If you like the NAK better, then there's no need.
If most/all music is on the ipod then I would compare the NAK vs NAD when driven by the ipod and choose which sounds best and use that one. How are you planning on getting a signal from the ipod?
I agree with Swamp. Try both as stand alone units and see which sounds better.

I was a Nakamichi and NAD dealer and sold both of these units. The NAK should be a little sweeter, smoother and warmer in sound than the NAD, but the NAD will be a little more powerful and dynamic and have better bass control.

You'll just need to see which one is more to your liking and which has more synergy with the Pioneer speakers.

Let your ears decide.
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