This idea can be drawn out further. Is it possible that magazine advertising influences what the reviewer says? I can't recall ever seeing a review where the reviewer said: "don't buy this product if you want a good home theater" etc. If that is the case then how can one trust any review that comes from a consumer magazine? Although I have a subscription with SGHT I usually cross-check all their reviews with places like: and
Honest Reviewers ?
Ever wonder why 99% of all reviwers seem to use the same expressions. No ? Well, I sure have been thinking about this. It's not that I have nothing better to do, but I keep asking why do they say the same things like .... " It sounds like a veil has been lifted" or "it sounds like the glass has been wiped clean" and the current favorite is "it just gets out of the way and let the music play ". Stereophile and the Absolute Sound seem to compete for the most stupid cliches. It appears that CABLE reviews will make reviewers go wild with verbal intoxication. Just sit and think about this crazy idea I am about to suggest. A group of 2 or 3 honest people with high expertise in the audio arena deciding to call the shots as they see them ! They would compare equipment or cables against each other and list their relative strengths, they would even offer opinions on any possible synergy between equipment and cables, if such a thing exists. They would have no fear. What a Concept !