Homegrown Silver Lace vs Coincident CST

Thinking about both IC's. Have heard great feedback and impressions of there sound. Is it true though that I might expect a some what brite sound out of the silver before break in. There seems to be a lot of value in Homegrowns products. Comments would be much appreciated, thanks

Showing 1 response by trelja

Like Drrasta, I also use HomeGrown Audio Silver Lace ICs and Coincident CST loudspeaker cable(wonderful speaker cable). I also use Coincident CST IC. After a while of playing around, I settled in on using both. HGA SL on my CD player, and CST on my tuner. I also have two Coincident CST power cords(also really good), though I normally use two others, as they are better than the CST. Both Silver Lace and CST are fabulous interconnects. In fact these days, I feel that reference quality interconnects can be found at the sub $300 price point. My list consists of Analysis Plus, Coincident, HomeGrown Audio, and Silver Audio. From that list, you should be able to find happiness. I know I have. To compare the two shooting it out in this thread, Coincident is a bit more neutral. Offering a full sound. No one part of the musical spectrum either being spotlighted or hidden. Very clean sounding. A tough cable to beat. Silver Lace is fuller sounding. But, also more open, detailed, and fast. Not bright, harsh, shrill, or irritating at all, as some people equate silver with. Bass is something of note. In terms of extension, tightness, and power. Neither cable takes a back seat in the area of soundstaging. If I had to make a choice between the two, I don't think I could regret going with either one. It would come down to my system. If my system was neutral to warm, I would choose Silver Lace. If my system was on the brighter side of that, I would go with Coincident. But again, I could live with either for a long, long time. I would like to throw in that if my system was more bright, and I wanted to add a bit of warmth or a little of the things we like tubes for, I would take a flyer on Analysis Plus.