Homegrown or Mapleshade

Has anyone had an opportunity to compare Mapleshades clearview double helix ICs to Homegrowns silver lace. I do understand this issue is subjective & system dependent. Any opinions &/or experience would be very much appreciated.

Showing 1 response by alfred

Hello:i just replaced my older intc's and power cords with mapleshade double helix at $240 and power cord at $150,both
are the best value/performance i've ever had in my system,actually they replaced synergistic research designers reference intc's and black mambas power cords,i needed 5 p/cords and there was no way i was going to pay thousands of $$ on them,so i gave mapleshade a try and was stunned at the quality(very,very neutral),sold my mambas and bought the mapleshades,my decission was not only based on the value side but in quality aswell,they're that good,i personally like what i have now much better than what i had before,my humble opinion is that you really don't need to spend more $$,hope this helps,Al.