Holy Cow. My Vandersteen Treo's sound like new..

speakers. I love the Treo's. I want the Quatro CT's. I just plugged in my Ayre AX-5 Twenty (the dealer burned it in for me) and HOLY COW.....I've never heard an integrated do what this amp can do. It woke up the Treo's and they really didn't need to be awaken. The bass is SOLID....Tuneful...you can hear each and ever note just as solid and in space as any other part of the spectrum. The soundstage and imaging is huge on the cuts that are produced that way and small and intimate on those that are supposed to be. I loved the AX5 before it was sent back to upgrade to the Twenty, but THIS IS SICK.... It's a totallly new amp. I will share more as I get the time, but I'm in shock as to what my system now looks like. Thanks Johnny Rutan at Audio Connection for forcing me to audition the Vandersteens even though I didn't want to. I'm willing to sell my Treo's now as I want the Quatro's....This is like crack......;)

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There is no comparison needed because the CT tweeter is in another world. The older Quatro will have an advantage in the bass but from 80Hz on up the Treo CT will smoke the old Quatro Wood. Moving up to the Quatro CT of course would be a new ball game.
Best, JohnnyR
Vandersteen Dealer