HoloAudio STREAMER is out now

I've read lots of discussions about streamers, especially about how to get value for less than several thousand $$'s. The typical responses include Bluesound, Innuous, iFi, Raspberry Pi, Cambridge, and probably a couple others I'm missing. 

People LOVE the Holo Audio DAC's -- the May, the Spring, e.g. 

Now they have a streamer. It's less than $1k. I wonder if anyone has it or has compared it?



Showing 6 responses by thyname

The only color available is Red? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Pi platform 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


And why an USB input? I guess for USB to i2s conversion 

@dpac996 : No I am not familiar with the Broadcom chipset. And the raspberry Pi cm-4 probably has plenty of computing power. You are right. I just thought something costing $900 would use something different than a Pi, maybe mistakenly so. I have never used a Raspberry Pi for streaming, so I don’t know. Sorry to have offended you somehow 

This is a combo DAC streamer

Jerry: what DAC? I don’t see any DAC built in the Holo Red

Reviews make it clear people love the screen

There is no screen I can see. Just the front plate. Are we looking at the same product? See OP


@yyzsantabarbara : what did you end up getting as a headphone amp, with streaming DAC built in (Roon Ready)? Matrix Mini-i Pro 3? Sorry I don’t recall 

I want to avoid a lateral move without some evidence. 


My two cents: I get it. I would probably hesitate too. Your logic is solid.

But, there is no such thing as “evidence “ from other folks. The only evidence that matters is you, trying it in your system. As inconvenient as it sounds, it’s the truth. Just my two cents.

Perhaps I am missing something here. What could a reviewer tell someone that exceeds what they can hear on their own? 


1) the reviewers often simply omit the “compared to what?” Part

2) Unless you fully trust the reviewer, you would never know their intentions and the story behind what prompted the review. I hope you can read between the lines