HoloAudio STREAMER is out now

I've read lots of discussions about streamers, especially about how to get value for less than several thousand $$'s. The typical responses include Bluesound, Innuous, iFi, Raspberry Pi, Cambridge, and probably a couple others I'm missing. 

People LOVE the Holo Audio DAC's -- the May, the Spring, e.g. 

Now they have a streamer. It's less than $1k. I wonder if anyone has it or has compared it?



Showing 1 response by dreas

I'm not in the market for such. The thread on this post is further evidence that of lack of decorum, lack of knowledge, and an overall bad form on the idea of Audiogon's Forum. 

1. Posts w/o knowledge making comments.

2. Simply look at the images / web site. Most of the comments re. connections are incorrect. See for yourself. 

3. Several commented on streaming service support (most were wrong). Here's their copy from their site:


HoloAudio “RED” is a Network Streamer with I2S HDMI output supporting DSD up to 1024 and it can be used as DDC (USB to I2S or SPDIF converter)

This audio device is using a Pi Compute Module 4  it only uses the Pi4 as core system. It differs from a standard Raspberry Pi because it does not have all peripheral components on board, but has been developed by HoloAudio, of course optimized for Audio. The advantage is that it can be used with a lot of software and is therefore versatile.

Supports Roonbridge Tidal (Connect), Qobuz, Spotify (Connect) and airplay.

4. Finally, for those who would rather learn, read, think a minute before posting incorrect information, here's their link.