HOLO Audio Spring DAC: Affordable discrete R2R Multibit Dac, could be a winner.

Many manufacturers are going back to R2R Multibit d/a conversion, a good portion of audiophiles are saying it sounds better than the cheaper d/a conversion of Delta Sigma, (1 bit), Bitstream, Saber. etc.
And it says it uses dual R2R’s Multibits to support DSD natively!!? 

Product Description:This new DAC.”Spring” is the first design of a new era, a milestone for HOLO Audio’s own Jeff Zhu. It’s a full discrete R2R type of audio decoder and does not have off the shelf-DAC chip! This is a bespoke custom-designed core DAC module and truly a breakthrough with technology for any DAC chip today. The Spring is here to achieve new heights, new dynamics and simply a full spectrum of audio to please the aural senses. This Dac has been called the poor mans Total Dac / MSB / Wavedream / Chord Dave Etc. It plays with the big boys.


Looks amazing inside for $1,700. Schiit Yaggi better watch out!!!!

Cheers George

Showing 7 responses by gary9413

I am a end user in hong kong , mine is a level 3 version (but my jensen cap is still on the way), and  i have option to upgrade the audionote silver isolate transformer which in front of the digital in, which make huge improve over the cheap one inside, before that i am a metrum pavane owner, i am very happy with pavane , it provide a very smooth and organic sound , strong and defination bass, sell it because to save some money, and for the holo spring performance, it really close to pavane but not better, but consider the price , it almost outclass similar competitor, and i am waiting for my jensen to make a final judgement
My hong kong dealer tell me that, most digital device , there is a digital isolation transformer locate before the digital in/out ( aes, bnc, coaxial), many company use very cheap one $ few cents, and i upgrade it to us$170 audionote pure silver transformer, but it is only benefit in these 3 digital in , useless if u use usb or i2s, the transformer pic in blow

The player is aurender n100s , in between n100s and spring , there is a bryston buc-1 usb converter , i am using AES in , 
yes , i just upgrade today , first impression is not bad, increase in the whole performance but not huge than upgrade the silver transformer, have to wait til it burn in to evaluate, my level 3 full grade with audionote trans 280 in below

Thanks charles review,  as i said before holo spring sound really good and close to my ex metrum panave performance, but after i replace the ddc from bryston buc-1 to singxer su-1 via i2s hdmi, it make a huge improvement, more detail and better 3d soundstage, more silent background and also sound more clear than using Aes in , i feel this combo ready to outperform metrum, i am using aurender n100 for source, vitus ss010 and volent vl-3 as amp,speaker
And one more thing , I only use a >$150 HDMI, as i2s cable , but use xlo limited mk2 for aes, then I sold it immediately and get $400 inside my pocket