HK Citation II with MGIIBs

I am beginning to use an HK Citation II amp, built from a kit by my father about 40 years ago. What is required to bring it fully back to life? Is it likely to drive my MGIIBs happily? Would it co-exist comfortably with my Hafler DH 110 preamp or would I be better advised to try to get hold of the Marantz preamp the HK was paired with in its early years? Is this all folly? Bear with me, as I haven't paid much attention to audio equipment for the past 20 years or so.
Did you use both of Jim's kits? Did you install them yourself, have Jim do it or someone local? I haven't soldered since doing a Dynaco SCA35 over 30 years ago! You obviously were happy with the results; could you elaborate a bit?
Thanks, Bruce
I have 2 Citation II's and love 'em! They are very powerful and have fantastic output transformers. I've used them with both SS and tube pre-amps and both work just fine. There is a wealth of information at Jim Mcshane's website about Cit II's. He is the HK Guru. He sell parts and tubes to rebuild/restore any HK tube amp. I used his rebuild kits in mine. Do a google search under "Jim Mcshane". Tell 'em Dean sent you!