I have enjoyed following your progress over the last couple of years with your walsh refinements. First, do you have any working versions of the "A" type? I only see finished F's on your site. Also, I have to disagree with you concerning doppler effect. You mentioned earlier that there are several modes in operation simultaneously with this kind of driver. I have noted that the pistonic action causes the entire driver to move at lower frequencies which may cause the other frequencies to be affected. When I had my F's and they were driven reasonably loud I noticed this, first with a playback of reggae music. (BMW live disc). When "family man" hit those low notes, the whole driver would shake and cause Bob Marley to sound like he was gargling. No, the amps (2 bridged Dyna ST-400's) were not anywhere near clipping (less than 100W peak transients) when I noted this effect. If this is not doppler effect, then I would like to understand what it is. Best Regards.