Highest B/B

Looking for the highest Bang for the Buck s.s. amp to break in a pair of inefficient speakers. Sonic quality is less important. Use tubes for all my listening anyway. Probably need minimum 150wpc @8ohms though ratings can be misleading. Have in mind Bryston 4B-ST. Any other choices ?
Thanks. Bob.

Showing 2 responses by sedond

ryllau - wanna rent the electro aw100 i have adwertised f/s here on a-gon for $800? ;~) sonics are ackshully pretty good, even toob-lovers tink so. i presently use a matched-pair of electro's in a wertically bi-amped set-up cuz i can't afford the pair of melos mat-180's i'd *really* like! ;~) the aw100 is class a, 100wpc, 190 into 4 ohms, & puts out >80 amps of current. since no one seems to wanna buy it, mebbe i can rent it out! ;~)

regards, doug s.

ryllau, i fergot to add - if yer really serious about wanting to buy an amp yust for break-in purposes, the electro will be better than the adcom 555, even tho the 555 has more watts. the electro has a *lot* more current output - about 4 times the output. i have a pair of 555's bridged, driving my 95bd/1w/1m vmps subs, so there's no issue here, but i have a pair of thiel 3.5's in the kitchen system. but, it used to be in the main system, and was 1st driven by one of the adcoms, then by an electro aw75. the thiel 3.5 is a difficult load for an amp, & the electro aw75, at only 75wpc/140@4ohms, worked *much* better than the adcom. that amp put out >60 amps current...

doug s.