Highest B/B

Looking for the highest Bang for the Buck s.s. amp to break in a pair of inefficient speakers. Sonic quality is less important. Use tubes for all my listening anyway. Probably need minimum 150wpc @8ohms though ratings can be misleading. Have in mind Bryston 4B-ST. Any other choices ?
Thanks. Bob.

Showing 1 response by landmarkbldrsf3a2

Ryllau: In my [opionion] the best B.for the B. is the Sherbourn 5/1500 amp, it's 5 x 200 separate mono amps built into one chasis. That's in 8 ohms, 5 x 300 in 4 ohms. Beat that for retail of $2000. Last year it was around $1800. and retailers said to raise there price because of there quality. And as you know, you could purchase it for much less on audiogon if you are patient. I did some research on amps before buying mine in looking for the best for the buck just like yourself now. And yeees I did purchase one and love it very much, it's my little 80# power baby. Good Luck and have fun looking and listening, that's what it's all about.