Higher End DACs

I am looking for a DAC (potentially streamer&DAC) to be paired in a mcintosh system (c1100/611). Its my first foray into digital streaming and I have no need for a CD player.

I see a lot of love for Esoteric, however, most seems to be around their transports? Are they not as renowned for pure digital streaming and/or standalone DACs? I see DCS (for instance) often referenced for standalone DACs - how does Esoteric compare?

Showing 31 responses by bo1972

Emotion is the only key to success in audio. In 2016 I started to read a lot about how human emotion works regarding sound and music. It gave me new insights but I also did understand things a lot better. All the different aspects of sound can influence our emotions when we listen to music. You will find all the details and different aspects of the music on each recording.

So you want an audio system and also a source to be able to reveal and give you access to all these details and different aspects of the music. But the facts show and prove that most audio products and also sources are not even able to reveal all aspects of sound. This is based on the fact that they do not own these aspects/properties of sound. And what is missing can never even be revealed. It is even that simple.

In 2010 I decided to spend even more time and effort in the research of sound&vision. Most of that time I did spend on the research in audio. Because I am addicted to music since I was 6 years old. In 2015 I started to do research in all aspects which influence sound and stage negatively beside the acoustic. I already spend thousands of hours in the research of the acoustic.

I over 21 years of time I always had a lot of contact with different specialists in their particular field. In 2015 I started to focus on what electro-smog does to the stage and sound of an audio system. During these tests, I always had a lot of contact with a person who has a lot of experience in electro-smog. Later in 2015 I also started to do research in magnetism on sound and stage.

People have no idea how much you loose in dynamics, layers, and resolution due to the influence of electro-smog, high-frequent nose, and magnetism on sound and stage of an audio system. In 2016 I started to do research regarding high-frequency noise on sound and stage. Again I had contact with a person who is specialized in this particular part.

Diversity (layering) in sound is by far the most important aspect of sound due to the fact that it has the most influence on our emotions during listening to music. The harmonics of a recording are essential to be revealed to get access to the most important influence on our emotions. But also other aspects can influence our emotions. So you need a source to give you access to all aspects/properties of each recording.

We are Lumin dealer and also Sbooster dealer for about 4,5 years now. We love both brands a lot but in our world, they are standard by far not good enough to our demands and expectations. Due to working together with different specialists we brought digital audio to a much higher level most people don’t even know yet. We had the goal to bring digital audio to a much more realistic and emotional experience.

We judge all individual audio products on what we call: "DNA". First, we want to know which aspects of sound a product can reveal. And second, the way how the individual aspects of sound are being displayed. We need all the products independently to be able to reveal all aspects of sound. This also counts for all the individual parts we use for modifications.

We modify Lumin network players and even the Lumin L1 music server. We imply superior parts who are also a lot better in layering in sound. When we demo a standard Lumin network player or the Lumin L1 compared to our modified versions. You see the smiles and excitement on the faces of all our customers. The same counts for the differences between a standard Sbooster and our modified AudioFacts Sbooster.

All our insight and knowledge regarding the influence of electro-smog, high-frequency noise, and magnetism on sound and stage is also being used in all our modifications. And shows and proves how much more you can reveal out of a source. This will blow your mind and create a much more emotional and intense experience during listening to music.

A few months ago we started to sell the Silent Bonn N8 switch.


A month ago we started to modify the Silent Bonn N8 as well. And when you hear the difference between the standard and modified one, you can not even imagine that it is the same switch. We also have a network specialist in our team. Together we can bring any network home situation to a much higher-end result. In detail, we can go further than any other company on this planet.

By adding a modified Sbooster to a modified Bonn switch you will experience a new level in digital audio. I will soon write a review of it. You can see all the photos of the modification as well. For us, audio is like a Formula 1 car. We improve products and create new levels over and over again.

Sound is so much more complex than anyone can even imagine. For digital audio, we had to do adapt a lot to reveal so many more details and layers of each recording. Extreme perfectionism is in my blood and DNA. Together it is our goal to bring more people to an emotional and intense experience each time they listen to their own system.

Music is emotion and when you want to experience all the emotion music possesses, you need a source to give you access to all the details and aspects of each recording. Now when we demo a modified Lumin X1 together with a modified Lumin L1 music server, modified Bonn switch and 2 modified Sboosters it exceeds all your thoughts about digital audio.

The thing I love most about audio is the fact that the most emotional and intense source always will be preferred and chosen. I am proud of what we achieved together. When you want people to use their audio system every single day, it needs to reveal all aspects of sound. This is why we work by Tru-Fi. What stands for True fidelity. And it is based on all the different aspects/properties of sound.

hahahaha....anyone can use the words he or she wants and like to use.

The Sbooster is a power supply and the Bonn N8 is a switch. And have both nothing to do with electro-smog, high-frequency noise, and magnetism. I work full time in audio for over 21 years of time. I am often surprised at how little people who work in audio about all the aspects which influence sound and stage.

When I aks (I have done this many times) to a manufacturer: what are all the aspects which influence sound and stage?

They often only can name the acoustic. The main reason why audio is so ineffective is based on the fact how little most people know.

There are more things which also effect sound and stage a lot, which people also don’t even know like the level of humidity. I am addicted to music and I am addicted to researching as well. I want to understand why things are as they are.

When you see how poor the average level is of most digital sources and DACS, there is always a reason why? The biggest problem at this moment is that most network players and DACS are limited in revealing diversity in sound. In this part, we made the biggest improvements. When we do a shootout between our modified network players and those of clients, we can easily let them experience and hear so many more details and most of all layers in the whole frequency range. We are also a lot further in the level of a 3-dimensional stage a source can create.

When you judge (I have done so many tests of products) an audio product on how voices and instruments sound in reality, most differ a lot. And again there is a reason why?

When I ask manufacturers: "What are all the different aspects of sound?"

"What are all the different aspects which negative influence sound and stage?"

" How does human emotion works regarding music and sound?"

They have no idea, how for God’s sake you want to prove that you understand audio when you do not even understand sound and music? And all the aspects which negatively influence sound and stage.

We use parts in our modifications who limit the influence on electro-smog, high-frequency noise, and magnetism. But we also use many tools who also limit these negative aspects. This gives us access to a much higher level in dynamics, layering, and resolution of each individual component and also the loudspeakers.

I am grateful to all the different specialists in over 21 years of time I used for their expertise. When you want to understand audio, you need to understand everything that influences sound and stage. Even the weekend before I started to work fulltime in audio (3rd July 1998) I was aware that I needed to be able to think in the aspects/properties of sound. So I started to learn this all by myself.

When I would not have a photographic memory in sound I would never have been able to think in patterns. This is also needed to understand all the different connections. I know why a sound and a stage of each system is what we all hear. Because I learned how to relate sound. When you are not able to relate sound, it is 100% impossible to understand audio at all until you die!

People have no idea that they only have access to a very limited level of the full potential of every single part within their system. For a source, this is the same story. We use shootouts to let people hear and experience how much more dynamics, layers, and resolution we can get out of our sources compared to their own sources.

The biggest difference is that I always can overrule and outperform any audio shop or company in emotion. That is why; EMOTION IS THE ONLY KEY TO SUCCESS IN AUDIO. There is no discussion even possible, period! I can reproduce sound because I only work by all the different aspects of sound. Reading about human emotion made me understand what I need to create a more emotional and realistic sound and stage.

Trail and error fooled all people all around the world in audio. And still is the main reason why audio has become a decreasing market. Trial&error mains you connect an amp, loudspeaker, source, and cables together. And you listen to the end result.

Instruments and voices sound as they sound during the recording. This has 100% nothing to do with any kind of silly personal taste. Instruments and voices even have their own dimension and delimitation in space. So you need an audio system that is able to reveal this.

This means on facts that you need a system that is able to reveal all aspects of sound. This has nothing to do with personal taste. Each audio system that can reveal all aspects of sound will be experienced as more emotional and intense than any incomplete (a system that lacks different aspects of sound) audio set.

But when I ask each human on this planet; When I take that loudspeaker out, which aspects of sound I take out? And when I replace them by those loudspeakers. Which aspects of sound did I place back?

No one has any idea. What proves on 100% facts that trail&error has no real foundation at all. It is 100% pure audio gambling how people work. When I discuss this with manufacturers they all start to laugh and even say; YOU ARE 100% RIGHT! I even don’t care about the fact that I am right.

People need to learn and become aware that trail&error will never make them create the system they would like to own.

Everything a human does without a real foundation can never be done effectively. People are often aware that they do not like an audio system. They use the words; I feel nothing, it is not involving or I miss the connection with the music. Again this has nothing to do with any kind of personal taste.

It is all based on the fact that this system lacks emotion. And why does it miss the emotion? Because that system can not reveal all the different aspects of sound. We are talking about 100% facts. Emotion will always be the only key to success in audio.

Most sources and DACS can also not reveal all aspects of sound. Because these products do not own these aspects/properties of sound. And what is missing can never be revealed. When we modify a product, we can only improve the aspects/properties is already owns. We can not add missing aspects of sound.

This means there is only one option: you need to create an audio system that will give you access to all aspects of sound. There is no other option possible to get success in audio, end of discussion!

The biggest problem in audio is the 100% fact that most audio products can not even reveal all aspects of sound. This can easily be proven by sound and stage. 

People do audio by trial and error. So they never have an idea why the sound and stage is what they hear. What they do is replacing a part (amp, source, loudspeaker, conditioner, cable, etc) for another one. But they forget that they replace it with a product that also can not reveal all aspects of sound.

This is why each trial&error system will always be incomplete and miss different aspects of sound. So people will experience and describe it as less emotional and intense.  

I am not perfect either, but I can go a lot further into details than others. I improve many different things in audio all the time and over and over again. I start to create new ideas in my head. And I will try them out with an audio system that can reveal all aspects of sound.

In our world, acoustic limitations do not exist anymore. But in the trial&error world, it is still the most negative part. Dedication and thousands of hours made me able to understand why it affects sound and stage so much. And how to solve it.

Each human will always choose a system that is experienced as more emotional and intense. By creating audio systems that can reveal all aspects of sound without any acoustic limitation creates together new freedom in audio.

Because it brings you so much closer to the music and you are never be taken out of your comfort zone due to the negative influence of the acoustic. This also counts for electro-smog, high-frequency noise, and magnetism.

We did the same with digital audio, we reduced all the negative aspects of sound and stage. Many people forget most of these negative aspects because they have no experience and knowledge about them.
We have done many tests with many different separate DACS, and each time we hear the same limitations. Humans are 100% unfit for audio, but they even don't know yet. Facts will always lead in life after time.

It is really sad to see and hear how limited the level is of most digital network players and DACS. Manufacturers need a different focus to create new audio products who are able to reveal all aspects of sound. 

When you are not able to perceive all aspects of sound within 1/10 of a second, you can never make the right and best decision. Humans focus often on 1 aspect of sound at the same time. And a maximum of 3. 

When we audition system at shows, new clients or at shops, the sound and stage prove that they are all incomplete. They always miss different aspects of sound. We are talking about 100% facts. This is why they all lack emotion. Based on the fact that all different aspects of sound can independently influence our emotions when we listen to music.


Trial&error make all people believe that audio is all a matter of personal taste. This is just an assumption like you believed in Santa Claus or Sinterklaas when you were a child.  It has no real foundation and is not based on truth and facts.

Voices and instruments have their own sound when they are recorded. They even have their own size/dimension as they have their own delimitation in space. You will find all the details and different aspects of the music on each recording.






Trial&error and the silly assumption that audio is just a matter of personal taste made all humans become 'sleepers'. They all forgot the truth and the essence of audio. When you do not understand sound and music it becomes 100% impossible to understand audio at all.

The money will never help you a lot in audio. When you can not relate sound and audio it becomes impossible what you are doing and want to change in any system. People need to face the truth and let go of trial&error as soon as possible.


Most people think and believe that a separate DAC is a better solution than an inbuilt DAC. This is only based on an assumption. But life is all about the real truth and facts. 

Our modified Lumin network players easily outperform network players with separate DACS. Because we can prove by sound and stage than we can reveal all aspects of sound. And second, we can show that all different aspects are being independently being played at a much higher level.

You can not buy an ultimate sound in digital audio by buying products out of a box. We had to adapt so many aspects of creating an ultimate level in digital audio. It was not available so we had to create it ourselves. 

In January 2015 my system and that of many of my clients were not stable enough. It could be awesome for a week and after that week I could hear some harshness in the sound. And the dynamics and layering would be less as well. And when I visited clients I auditioned it even more often.

So I phoned a person who is also specialized in electro-smog. We talked for many hours on the phone at that time. And I started to focus on the influence of electro-smog. And I tested many tools that are on the market in this particular aspect.

Like most audio products most products regarding electro-smog are not able to reveal all aspects of sound. So based on Tru-Fi (all aspects of sound) most products did work more negative than positive. But after time I understood what electro-smog is and does to sound and stage.

And I was able to find different tools (products and parts we use for modification) that can reveal all aspects of sound and limit the negative influence of electro-smog. Later that year I started to focus on the influence of magnetism on sound and stage.

In 2016 I met a person who is specialized in high-frequency noise. Again we talked for hours on the phone. I started to test different products and parts that reduce the influence of high-frequency noise. And again most products and parts again were not able to reveal all aspects of sound.

It cost me a lot of time to find parts and products who are able to give me access to all aspects of sound. Because over 99,99% are still useless. This is what it is. But  I can deal with that.

Now in 2020, we are far ahead of all other people in audio. This year we will start to talk with manufacturers to imply our ideas in products and systems. It will create many new options and levels in both sound&vision.
I am an extremely born perfectionist and no there is no room for error and faults. Our clients call their systems addictive. Because we create systems for them who are all able to reveal all aspects of sound.

We have much more open and direct contact with all our individual clients. I do this to help people. My father learned me that life is not about me. But what I can do for other people. And this is how I do audio as well.

This year I will start to make professional videos (I bought a professional 13000 euro Sony 4k camera) of our clients. I will let them tell their own story. So other people will understand why they are so happy with their system and use it every single day.

I don’t work in the world of sound&vision to make a living of it. That is only for the born losers in this world. I want to create new levels of quality and emotion. It is a choice I made.

Trial&error created a lot of damage all over the world in audio. In over 21 years of time, I visited hundreds of people at home. The facts showed how little music most people own. This proves that trial&error does not make people enjoy playing a lot of music with their own system.

Many are in a circle and hope (what is just an illusion) to create the sound and stage they hope to find. But trial&error does not give you any real foundation and understanding about the parts you changed.

Now the time has come to do audio a lot different........

The money will never guarantee you anything. People think and talk about brands and products all the time in audio. It proves that they do not understand sound and audio at all. I now have contact with several new clients in the US as well. I was surprised how much further we are in audio than people in the US are.

Many people in the US still connect their systems often directly to the wall. When I said this to my clients, many of them started to laugh and were surprised about this.

We also create special audio groups in electricity for our clients. People forget that due to trial&error you can only get access to a rather limited level in the end result of every single part of their system.

When you are not able to understand the DNA of each individual product you use, your choices become even laughable. The saddest part in audio is the fact that most audio products can not reveal all aspects of sound.

This has a huge negative impact on each system you imply these products. It will always lower the level of the emotion of the whole system. Many sources and DACS can only create a very limited level in the layering of sound. The harmonics on the recording are the most important part of the emotion music possesses.

People make often the wrong decisions in sources too. First by buying network players and DACS who are not even able to reveal all aspects of sound. And second, they forget most aspects who negatively influence their source and DAC.
I am a music addict and I spend about 10 to 15 hours these days listening to new music every single week. I spend about 200 euros on music I buy to put it on my modified Lumin L1 music server.

Most people think and believe (and again it is all based on an assumption) that music you stream by Tidal or Qobuz is the same quality compared to the music you can buy by companies like Qobuz.

We want to teach new clients the differences between the same music played by streaming Qobuz, a Synology Nas and a modified Lumin L1 music server.

And now comes the truth...............

Our modified Lumin L1 server is over 70% better in sound quality compared to the same music at the same bit rate when you stream it by Qobuz.

People forget that you get a compressed amount of data when you listen to a song you stream by Tidal or Qobuz. At the same time, there are are more people who are listening to the same song. The fact that you stream even in High-Res does not say anything about the amount of data.

When you play the same song by a modified Lumin L1 music server including a modified Sbooster you get access to a much bigger amount of data.

It will blow your mind when you hear the differences between the same music played by the L1 and Qobuz. This is why almost all our clients bought a modified Lumin L1 music sever and an AudioFacts modified SBooster.

Even most reviews in audio the people who write articles by streaming music. This is even laughable. Our clients have all the same kind of experience when they started to use the modified Lumin L1 and the modified AudioFacts Sbooster.

They wanted to play music all night long. They all listened to their system more than before. This is what emotion does to us humans. It is sad to see how little people know about music and sound.

I want people all over the world to experience the beauty and emotion of music. For this, you will need all the aspects of sound. Without this, you only will have a limited level of emotion.

As long as I live it will be very easy to outperform every single human on this planet in audio. I can bring each individual system to a much higher level than this person can reach by him or herself until this person dies!
The word ’synergy’ is also just an illusion. And you know why? Because a source who is able to reveal all aspects of sound will always work better in any system than a source who lacks one or more aspects of sound.

When you judge most audio products, you will often hear that they choose for a focus (emphasis) on a certain frequency range. But an audio product always needs to be linear on the whole frequency range.

And you know why?

Because without this, a product can never reveal all aspects of sound. It will always show that it lacks one or more aspects of sound. The reason why you need all different parts of your system to be able to reveal all the different aspects of sound individual is based on this reason:

Even when you imply one part (it even can be one fuse) that can not reveal all aspects of sound. The end result of this system will always be incomplete. And it will create a lower level of emotion.

High-End is a level in sound quality where a system can prove by sound and stage that it can reveal all aspects of sound. When a system misses one or more aspects of sound it will always be a Hi-Fi system.

Over 99,99% of all produced audio products are 100% Hi-Fi products. Based on the fact that they all miss different aspects of sound. The stage and sound will always prove this easily.

The High-End show in Munich is a Hi-Fi show based on the fact that over 90% of all systems are 2-dimensional and even lacks more aspects of sound. People use and abuse the word ’High-End’ over and over again. It has no meaning anymore when you can not reveal all aspects of sound by your system. Then your system proves by sound and stage that it is just a Hi-Fi system.

In the end, only facts will show and prove the real truth in life. And for audio counts the same. Trial&error has given all people the wrong ideas and thoughts about sound and music. And what it did is creating only incomplete audio systems all over the world. Where people are only busy with their system instead of only listening to music.
The MQA music is often very poorly recorded. I listen to them every single week when I look for new music. No audio format will ever give you a better result in the quality of the recording.

I also have a lot of DSD music on my modified Lumin L1  music server. But I even own 16 bit 44.1 kHz recordings which are even better than some good DSD recordings. I have some DSD512 recordings which are by far the best I own.

But still how a recording has been done, it far more important than the format. These days the quality of recodings is becoming worse, unfortunately. This is not a good thing.

When you hear the level we can create at this moment in digital audio, it will surpass all your ideas about music. For me, it is difficult to understand why humans all forgot to use a real foundation in all their choices in audio. 

When I talk with manufacturers about the way we work, they all agree that trial&error has no foundation at all. It also proves that the awareness of humans is so limited that they are not even able to become aware of themselves that trail&error has no foundation.

How it is even possible that humans forgot to think that when you want to understand audio you first need to learn to understand sound and music. When we talk to our clients about this, they all start to laugh. Now they all understand that trial&error was the main reason why they never could get their system right.
I buy sometimes music over here: 


Many of the MQA recordings are recorded too loud and miss a lot of layering in sound. 

I am not interested in streaming, this is in my world only made for children. Not even when they paid me 100 euro each day I would start to stream by Tidal or Qobuz.

I have to say that I buy over 90% of all my music at Qobuz. I am not that impressed by MQA, to be honest. I own some DSD512 recordings, this is from another planet that makes MQA even laughable. I am an extreme perfectionist and only the best is good enough for me. 2nd best and less is only made for the born losers on this planet.

Why you would give your clients less than the best possible? We want our clients to get the best quality for their hard-earned money. We take care of all our clients independently. I don't do this for money, but to help people to get a Tru-Fi system.

I make all incomplete (lacking one or more aspects of sound) systems complete by implying the aspects of sound which are missing. Because this is the only option to make people happy with their system. So they will want to use it every single day!
The one who creates the best sound will always be the best in audio. In the end, each individual person will choose for that product or system that reveals and creates the highest level of emotion and realism. This is how human emotion works.

You can sell as many brands and products as you want. When you forget most details in sound, you will always create a limited level in the end result.
I didn't say it sucks, It is of a much lower level compared to when you play the same music from a modified music server. Audio is all about shootout. And the sound and stage will always show the truth.

Never put words in my mouth what I didn't say. I would suggest; read better.

Most people think and believe that when you stream music it will be of the same quality compared to when you play it from a modified music server. But that is far from true. Most of our clients play music from their modified Lumin L1 and stream music from Qobuz. And they buy the albums and songs they really like.

The reason why we sold so many modified Lumin L1 music servers is based on the fact that it is so much better than just streaming it by Tidal or Qobuz. People have no idea how much more details and layers you can find on each recording.

This is why we work by Tru-Fi (True Fidelity) so people get access to all aspects of sound. Music is emotion and emotion is the only key to success in audio. So it becomes obvious why we only work by all aspects of sound.
We all live in a world where most people think and believe that it is all about money. The money will never guarantee you anything in audio.  Since I have different clients from the US I am amazed by how different we work with people.  I work for my clients. I always put myself at last. Because my father taught me that life is not about me. But what I can do for others.

I do not compete against consumers, we are there to protect them. I think it is normal to take your profession seriously. So spending thousands of hours in research is normal when you want to take your job seriously. We feel very responsible for all our clients independently.
Audio will always be chosen on emotion. This is exactly where you can make a huge difference compared to all others. My clients and the people who know me who work in audio call me an extreme perfectionist. But in my world, it is 100% normal. I've been like this I was a child. I only call myself; different. 

Most people don't like the real truth. My clients accepted that trial&error has no foundation at all and that it is impossible to understand what you do and change. But there are many people who will keep on doing audio by trial&error until they stop. 

I would say: ask all our clients?

We have so much more respect for them than any other audio company. And we will let them tell their own stories soon. I work in audio over 21 years of time. I have met hundreds of people at home. I can say this; there is not a lot of respect for these people.

Most companies only work for their own greed. You don't even know me. The reason why I spend thousands of hours in research in over 21 years if time is based on the fact that I want to found a foundation for people who have nothing.

In our world, our customers come first. We put ourselves always as last. It is our responsibility that they get the best advice for the money they spend. Maybe other audio companies don't like me. I would advise; WORK HARDER!
At this moment I do not advise any DAC separately. Because of our modified Lumin players outperform them all easily.

When we modify a Lumin and use a modified power supply, it surpasses all DACS in dynamics, layering, and details. We also outperform them in a much bigger holographic 3-dimensional stage. And a superior individual focus of voices and instruments.

We always ask new clients to bring in their digital source or DAC. We are so far ahead of everyone that it will never become an honest comparison. Even when we play the first song they know our set-up is far superior. An extreme perfectionist always wants to win. 2nd place and less is for all born losers in this world. And has no meaning in my world

People have no idea what the DNA is of most products. Most network players and DACS own a 2D stage DNA. It doesn’t matter which cables you will connect, it still will be 2-dimensional. We can not even change that by modifications.

When manufacturers already made the wrong decisions, consumers can never solve them. We create new levels of quality in all different price ranges. Every modification must have no competition. This means that for the costs it is not possible to create the same level in quality by using the money differently.

Our modified Lumin X1 makes a Lumin X1 out of a box come from another planet and of another league. Perfectionism is also a choice in life. I have a client from Austria and he bought in 2019 a Lumin D2 with an AudioFacts Pro modification (1098 euro) and a modified Sbooster 489 euro together for 3849 euros.

He is a member of an audio club in his country. There were 2 people in his audio club who had a streamer combination of 13000 and 14000 euro. They were seen as the reference players of the audio club. But when he took his modified Lumin D2 and modified Sbooster he outperformed the 13000 and 14000 euro set-ups.

We see it as our task and responsibility to create new standards in audio for prices people can afford. We can think and work so much more precisely thanks to thousands of hours in research. Audio is so complex and most people forgot to learn most aspects who also influence sound&stage.

The thing I love most about audio is the fact that the most emotional and intense sound and the stage will always be preferred. We always ask people to bring in their own music they know well.

People can compare whatever they would like to hear and compare with another product. When you would start to read about human emotion, you would understand why each audio system that can reveal all aspects of sound always will be chosen.

Hahahahahahahaha...Audiogon people are making it personal again. They become like little children again.

When you play bought music from a modified music server the amount of data of the same song is already a lot bigger than the amount of data when you stream the song by Tidal and Qobuz.

People are often amazed by the huge differences. The unknown in audio is so much bigger than people can even imagine. You need to hear it yourself to understand how huge the differences are.

We sell audio by a shootout, so people can always compare it themselves. You don’t need a university degree to hear and understand the differences.

You will find the truth on each recording. Each audio product has its own DNA. This means the aspects of sound it can reveal and which aspects it does not own and also can not reveal.

Humans can perceive sound in a 3-dimensional perspective. But.....when you judge all different audio products on this particular aspect, you will find that most are 2-dimensional. 

So what is 2-dimensional?

This means that all voices and instruments are almost standing one the same/one line. In our world, 2-dimensional is all products who can reveal 1 meter of stage depth max.

When you are at home and listening to your system. You hear all different aspects (DNA) of all different parts in your system together.

And the influence by:

- the acoustic
- electro-smog
- high-frequency noise
- magnetism

On your stage and sound. There are even more like the level of humidity. But I will keep it a little bit more simple. 

When you compare digital sources and DACS with each other the differences are huge. We select each product and each part we use for modification by Tru-Fi.

We first want to know which aspects of sound it can reveal and how these individual aspects of sound are being displayed.

So what is the difference when a source and audio system can create a huge 3-dimensional holographic stage?

During live classical acoustic concerts, I learned how small and direct voices and instruments are. And what depth does to voices and instruments.

When you listen to music in a real 3-dimensional stage the experience of the same music becomes a totally different experience.

When voices get what we call a 3D shape (delimitation in space) and become free in space, people describe it as closer and more intense.

We go even further in 3D level, we also create diversity in height. When an audio system can reveal even all the differences in height of voices and instruments music becomes an even more intense experience.

Diversity in height is a lot more difficult to create than only stage depth and width. We also choose products and parts who can reveal diversity in height.

In a real High-End system, you can hear all voices and instruments being played in a physical and tangible intimate focus of voices and instruments. Where you can hear the exact height of for example a Trumpet (often at 1.4 meters) and Hi-hats are even higher displayed.

We made huge improvements also in the layering in sound. We use different songs of a voice or even a trumpet to show how much more layering and details it can reveal by our modified Lumin players compared to any other source or DAC.

You want facts

AudioFacts is an official & respected dealer of Lumïn network players. As official & exclusive Lumïn distributor for the Dutch territory we support them with 24 months warrantee on all Lumïn products. The modified products however, we only support warrantee on the original parts. AudioFacts is responsible for all the parts which they have changed. On their part they give a 24-month warrantee on these modified parts, as this is their responsibility.

Best regards,

Penhold b.v.
Jan Legel - Sales & marketing director
Poppenbouwing 33
NL-4191 NZ Geldermalsen
Phone: +31 (0) 345 588060
Mobile: +31 (0) 6 51511868

Visit our website: www.lookenlisten.nl

I will make it more easy for you in 2020. I bought a 13000 euro Sony professional 4K camera. And we will let our clients speak what Tru-Fi did with their system.

What can you win?

Almost all sold audio systems in the world miss different aspects of sound. And yes this can be proven by facts and sound and stage. And no you do not even need a university degree for this :)

We create and reproduce sound by all the different aspects of sound. This gives us access to all aspects of sound. People have no idea that almost all produced audio products can not even reveal all aspects of sound. So it doesn't even matter which trail&error (audio gambling)  combination you will choose.

Most people in audio do not even have the guts to face the truth. And the truth is the fact that trail&error has no real foundation at all. It is the main reason why so many people in audio are in a circle. They all hope to find the sound and stage they are looking for.

When you have no idea what the DNA is of every single part in your system you will never understand what it really changed in your system. When I talk these days with audio manufacturers, they all agree that trial&error will never bring anyone to the ultimate sound.

When I read the stories over here it proves that people are all living under a rock. It proves that trial&error has created audio blindness. In the US there are still many people who still use and prefer a CD-player over any network player.

Almost all audio shows prove that many systems reveal a very limited level of emotion. This has 100% nothing to do with any kind of silly personal taste. Because it is all based on 100% facts. The facts show that they lack different aspects of sound. This is why they all are only able to create a low level of emotion during playback.

With many DACS and network players, we all hear the same limitations and lack of emotion. And again it is all based on facts. Every time a new client brings in a DAC, CD-player or network player, it is insane how much is missing of each recording we play.

Each individual audio product owns aspects of sound (DNA) and most miss different aspects of sound. This also counts for sources and DACS. With our modified Lumin network players it is very easy to outperform them. Based on the fact that we can reveal all aspects of sound. And second all individual aspects of sound we can also play at a higher level and quality.

In 2013 I had contact with a person who creates DACS and sources for manufacturers. He was the first who explained to me that the USB protocol never should have been chosen. Because he said; you will lose diversity (layering) in sound. And all our tests proved this as well.

But even now in 2020, it is still the same story how much you loose in diversity (layering) in sound even with most DACS. It is a sad thing to see how poorly audio is being carried out.

We work a lot together with a company who is the biggest audio technical service center in the Benelux (the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg). They do the technical support of Pass labs, Mark Levenson, Lumin, McIntosh, Krell, Marantz and many more)

The owner and me we talk to each other frequently on the phone. He also is concerned about the quality in parts manufacturers use inside their products. Due to the decreasing audio market manufacturers use cheaper parts almost every single year.

This is one of the reasons why we started to modify. And it proves how easy you can bring products to a superior level. But we go a lot further than that alone. We also imply parts who reduces electro-smog and high-frequent noise. This also makes a huge improvement. Besides this, we also want to create new (higher) levels in audio.

Now we can easily all people experience how much more information we can reveal on every single recording. Audio is all about shootout and sound and stage. And in this part, we rule and outperform.


We take care of all our clients, we give them a source of what has no competition at all. We created our own huge benefit from the flaws of others. It is not my responsibility that other audio companies sell sources and DACS who are not able to reveal all aspects of sound. It is that simple!