yank just wait until it rains: you'll hear & see the corona discharging around the insulators & smell the ozone in the air. This generates a LOT of EMI/RFI & you may or may not notice some noise pickup issues in that regard. If you like any AM radio broadcasts - well forget it! Any marginally designed componentry may be somewhat penetrated, but quite likely there won't be any big problems.
High-tension power lines and audio
As I have noted in previous posts, at the end of this month we are moving into a rental home for about a year until a new house is built. As it happens, this house has high-tension power lines (the kind with the HUGE towers) that run along the back of the property about 150 feet or so from the house.
Does anyone have experience regarding the effect of these lines (if any) on audio performance? I would assume that there could be some stronger EMF's present in this location. As such, I suspect that shielding may be at a premium and wonder about FM reception. Are there any particular precautions I should take? I am running a Audio Magic Stealth currently.
Does anyone have experience regarding the effect of these lines (if any) on audio performance? I would assume that there could be some stronger EMF's present in this location. As such, I suspect that shielding may be at a premium and wonder about FM reception. Are there any particular precautions I should take? I am running a Audio Magic Stealth currently.