High-quality MP3s not comparable to CD WAVs ??

Though I have read a numerous articles stating that
high-quality MP3s were "indistinguishable" from CDs,
I have been unable to create such an MP3 from a ripped WAV
(I can EASILY tell the difference).
So I am wondering if I'm doing something wrong.
I'm using LAME with the highest-quality settings
("lame -q 0 -m s --cbr -b 320 {wav} {mp3}"),
and I have also tried a few other popular encoders.
Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by fchurtic

The answer to all these quality issues is to find a lossless compression method as Matt8268 correctly pointed out. I did not know Windows Media Player 9 includes this feature. Matt 8268, what type of encoding speeds are you getting?

CWlondon, I experienced exactly the same with IPOD, but I got the tags working...