High Quality FM Tuner - Advice

My needs are simple. A tuner that has great sound and can bring in distant stations, in stereo, quietly. I have the right roof antenna system with a MD Signal Sleuth. I read about Magnum Dynalab, Fanfare, Linn, Accuphase, old Macs and Yamahas. I have the budget, if i can find the right unit. Your thoughts?

Showing 2 responses by cornfedboy

the accuphase t-109v is the best tuner i've yet heard, save for the original day sequerra. plus, it's gorgeous to my eyes and built to last as long as a roman aqueduct. -kelly
doug: like you, i still have an onix tuna with soap. (yes, it's a great little bargain of a tuna. no, it ain't as good as the accuphase.) i'm using it much less recently, since our "state" npr outlet decided to split into 2 stations, broadcasting 24/7 classical on fm and news/talk on am. it was mostly the news programs to which i was devoted for many years. i don't listen to am, even in my car. part of my daily routine has been shattered with this programming move, as well as the publication by our 2 newspapers through a JOA (only one paper on weekends). ARRRRRGH! -kelly