High Quality FM Tuner - Advice

My needs are simple. A tuner that has great sound and can bring in distant stations, in stereo, quietly. I have the right roof antenna system with a MD Signal Sleuth. I read about Magnum Dynalab, Fanfare, Linn, Accuphase, old Macs and Yamahas. I have the budget, if i can find the right unit. Your thoughts?

Showing 1 response by brianmgrarcom

There are many good ones to chose from, both new and old, as listed above. I do not have experience with any but the Fanfare FT-1A. I decided to buy a tuner last year and after all my research, I settled on the Fanfare and love it! I should of bought a tuner years ago.

Some say presets and a remote is of little use to them. This may be true, or it may be they can't miss what they dont have. I use my remote and presets daily and can't imagine being w/o.

Keep us posted to what you settle on. I believe there are a number of them you will be completely happy with.