High powered single end 300b recommendations

I would like to try a se 300b integrated to find out what the famed sound is like. However, at 86db, my Harbeth S-HL5 are not very efficient. They need more like 25-30W to drive them.


Any recommendations on an 300b amp that will work with these speakers? 

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Showing 1 response by brianlucey

@rooze has it ... the Allnic A-6000 are 60W a side with 4 x 300BXLS in parallel, and sound incredible, in the top 0.1% of all amps in any category. Best I have ever heard vs. very costly others. The soft start means the power tubes will last a decade.

@glennewdick these 300BXLS tubes are more like $750 each, yet not to worry, I have my amps on 10-12 hours a day usually 7 days a week for 3 years. And with only 30% loss in tube life and 0% loss in power or tone.


Sadly for your needs @mikedc no integrated will get there.