High power integrated suggestions please.


I would like suggestions to look into. The reference is a McIntosh MA6900 which is the only one on my short list.

I've been racking my brain for other integrateds that have what the 6900 offers; sonics, convenience(loudness switch, equalizer), build quality, aesthetics, reliability and the customer support and service Mac is famous for. It also needs to retail for $5k or less.

I love the Mac sound, full bodied and dynamic to these ears. And I would want a cdp from the same company. If I go with the Mac it would be the MCD201.

Any thoughts? Thanks for your time and any suggestions.


Showing 1 response by jimi6292b0ea

The Krell 400xi is a must audition even for those considering seperates. I haven't heard better under $3K or seen better for that matter, the piece in Black is gorgeous! Stereophile measured its output @ 290watts into 8-ohms, so obviously this Amp. has plenty of juice for any reasonably sized Speakers & room. Don't let the cheap-price fool you, if Krell doubled the price tomorrow, then all of the sudden it would be viewed as the new "state of the art". Remember, for an additional $10K you could always upgrade later into Krell's new FBI...now your talking about a "High Power Integrated.