High pitch noise

I just noticed recently that a high pitch pulsating noise is being emitted through my speakers when I switch my pre-amp to HT bypass. Any ideas? My hunch it is probably the cable box, but wanted to get some ideas/suggestions before I unhook everything.

To give you an idea of my setup:

- NAD L/R pre-out going into my Placette HT-byass
Placette to Threshold amp
- NAD Center/Rear pre-out to Adcom

The amp, transport, and dac are plugged into a Richard Gray. The tv, cable, sub, dvd, Placette, and Adcom and plugged into a Monster powerstrip. The Monster power stip is connected to the 4th outlet on the Richard Gray.


Showing 2 responses by rbautista

In case someone is curious, I ended up running my cable box's coax through the Monster power strip. The built in filter took out most of the noise, but it is still faintly there. My next step is to replace the interconnect between my NAD and Placette.