High Output Preamp for First Watt SIT-3?

I'm new to the audiophile world and recently purchased a First Watt SIT-3 with Magnepan .7s.  I have a Mytek Brooklyn Bridge for streaming, though I prefer to play vinyl with my Mofi Ultradeck.  The Mytek serves as the phono stage (69dB gain for MM?), and I don't use a preamp;  the Brooklyn is connected directly to the First Watt. 

I understand that the SIT-3 is only 11.5 dB of gain, and that's extremely low compared to most amps.  I like most everything about the system except for the fact that I have the Mytek maxed out volume-wise many days.  Certain LPs are cut quieter, and I wish I had more power.  There are times streaming where the Maggies aren't getting to their sweet spot.  I realize the Maggies are a lower sensitivity speaker. 

What should I look for in a preamp to fully drive the SIT-3?  Eventually, I'd like to replace the phono stage instead of relying on the Brooklyn.  Is there a tube preamp featuring a phono stage with sufficient output to drive my amp in the $4k range?  Otherwise, I'm eyeing the Modwright PH 9.0 and a linestage preamp, realizing that this will probably be costlier.  I'm looking for a warm sound, not analytical but engaging. 

Any help is greatly appreciated.  I'm a working musician with a basic understanding of related electronics but little experience in this world. 


Showing 2 responses by coachpoconnor

Keep the SIT3, pair it with a MicroZOTL preamp and a pair of Zu speakers and I think you would be very happy. 
One other suggestion.. The CAF 2019 “Best sound at Show” included the following components: MicroZOTL Z10 Integrated Amplifier, Spatial Audio M-3 Sapphire Speakers, Lampizator Amber 3 DAC. Given that you own Magnepan .7 speakers you must enjoy that very transparent, open airy sound. Your Mytek DAC is a good piece but you need to reassign the Mytek to just DAC duty. The 2 most open and airy preamps I’ve heard are the Dodd Audio Battery preamp (truly special) and any on the MicroZOTL preamps. The Dodd is not produced anymore but can purchased used for 1200 to 1500. The MicroZOTL’s are still being made and are sold by Linear Tube Audio. My guess that the aforementioned preamps paired with your Mytek DAC, Sit-3 AMP and a set of Spatial Audio M-3 Sapphires would make a truly magical system. If your a follower Terry London, you might run this combination of kit past him. Herb Reichert as also reviewed many of these pieces. Good luck in your synergistic search,
I’ve also had issues with the gain, using the Brooklyn as a preamp.