High output MC cartridges

I'm looking to replace my MI cartridge with a HOMC cartridge.
I've narrowed it down (price/output mV) to either the Dynavector 20x2 MC, or, the Sumiko Blackbird MC .
Before I take another plung .... I thought I'd run it by the AG community to see if anybody out there has experience comparing these two offerings?

Showing 3 responses by tyray


I bought a Soundsmith Zephyr MK/III Hand Made High Output Cartridge from Greg Leurquin of Hi-Fi Heaven and tried it out for about 3 weeks with 2 different turntables and I found it couldn’t even come close to the quality of sound, imaging, dynamics and soundstage that my Shure V15VxMR cartridge with a Japanese JICO VN5xMR HIGH GRADE neo SAS stylus made.

I ended up selling the Soundsmith Zephyr MK/III Hand Made High Output Cartridge at cost.

Here is an informative link with detailed reviews about all Shure V15 phono cartridges: https://hometheaterreview.com/shure-v15-phono-cartridge-reviewed/

Now on the Shure V15VxMR cartridge, I stumbled across a Canadian seller who wanted $202 Canadian for the cartridge which came to $152 US and took a chance hoping nothing was wrong with it and have been jamming ever since. So I really got lucky on that cartridge.

I could have bought an original Shure VN5xMR stylus but the JICO reviews were so good I opted for the JICO VN5xMR HIGH GRADE neo SAS stylus - brand new.

And everytime I did an upgrade, (tube preamp with telefunken tubes/all Duelund interconnects) the sound coming from my turntable got better and better. The Shure V15VxMR cartridge took whatever I through at it with breathtaking ease.

And I did buy the Soundsmith Zephyr MK/III used for a heck of a mark down, I just couldn't find the receipt. 

Most Shure V15 cartridges do go for about $500 and up used and the Shure VN5xMR stylus for the Shure V15VxMR cartridge, go for about $300 and up used. The JICO VN5xMR HIGH GRADE neo SAS stylus, $250 brand new with killer specs.

One of these days I’m going to take your advice and purchase a NOS unused Shure VN5xMR stylus. I’ve noticed more and more NOS and used Shure VN5xMR styli come onto the market within the last year. I’ve had the opportunity to purchase the rare Shure ULTRA but not the high price money to pay for it.