High output DAC?

Greetings from Spain

I wonder if anyone can tell me the output levels of some DACs:
I need a high output, balanced DAC.
My line stage has a weak gain even using balanced in/out (Audio Research Ref 3) and I'm dissapointed at having to increase the volume to get response from the preamp. (my phono preamp drives it better!)

I have now the Krell Stealth, but seems to be also weak (maybe 2 v max on balanced?) I tested the Theta Pro Basic II balanced and liked it, but couldn't keep because of the price asked.

Any info is really appreciated.
The Wadia 27 has adjustable output voltage. It can pump it out if you need to.
Thanks Rja, I wonder how high the Wadia goes? And the Audio Aero?
Anyhow, I just bought a Theta ProBasic IIIa from a fellow A'goner (thanks RRoss!).
Will get it here by the end of the week (USPS provided) and will update the results/changes against the Krell Stealth (wich will be for sale right after).

I have a friend that bought an AA Capitole MKII and is deeply in love.
He feeds directly a Pass X150, then into a pair of JMLab Mezzo Utopia, and cannot get it below -25 db on the display without being unlistenable loud. But, it is an integrated, the Prima is a DAC I guess?

Thanks both!
brgds, Marcelo