High output DAC?

Greetings from Spain

I wonder if anyone can tell me the output levels of some DACs:
I need a high output, balanced DAC.
My line stage has a weak gain even using balanced in/out (Audio Research Ref 3) and I'm dissapointed at having to increase the volume to get response from the preamp. (my phono preamp drives it better!)

I have now the Krell Stealth, but seems to be also weak (maybe 2 v max on balanced?) I tested the Theta Pro Basic II balanced and liked it, but couldn't keep because of the price asked.

Any info is really appreciated.
Thank you all for the information. If everything goes well, I'll be buying a Theta Pro Basic IIIa.
I'll keep you'll posted.
Brgds from sunny and warm (hot, rather) Spain
The highest output DAC I've ever had in my system was the Weiss Medea. It has 2 output levels and trim pots for more exact settings. Max output voltage is about 15V if I recall correctly. Before you spend your money on a new DAC consider that the sound quality of a DAC's outputs is likely to be less than that of a tube preamp. IMO you could get better results for your money by finding a tube preamp with the proper gain.
Thanks JazzDude, my problem started the minute I changed the LS25MK2 for the Reference 3. That is, volume control "problem".
Awfully low gain the Ref3 has, however, I could swear that the LS25, inspite of having a +18db gain (6db more than the REF3), did not sound as good as the new one.
Besides, I cannot afford changing my line stage, it is only 6 monthes old...
brgds, marcelo
The Wadia 27 has adjustable output voltage. It can pump it out if you need to.