High on Thier List, But Low on Yours

Is there any piece of equipment out there that a lot of audiophiles and reviewers like or love that you think is, ummm, crappy?

Showing 1 response by 3chihuahuas

Most if not all products built around/for home theatre applications. Second on my list all overpriced equipments (too many to list). Third on my list are power supplies, conditioners, PS audio new outlet (introduced at the recent CES show), and etc...The one product I am most iritated of is Taralabs zero interconnects. Who in their right mind (no offense) would pay $12K a meter? This cost more than a 1 meter lenth gold chain. I don't believe musicians or any of those people that are involve the making of music intend music to be reproduced at our homes to be as complex the hifi industry leads us to believe. Hope I didn't offense anyone. This is just my opinion.